Big Firm Experience . . . Small Firm Service® The Avanzado Law Firm provides clients with a viable alternative to “big law” representation. We have the experience and skill which enables us to provide sophisticated representation on complex disputes which you would expect from larger firms but with the personal service and economic flexibility of a small firm. Our experience includes litigating aggressively to force an early resolution of a dispute, dispositive pretrial motions and jury trials. We can bring that wealth of experience to bear on any dispute to maximize the chances for a favorable result.
The Avanzado Law Firm is experienced in all aspects of media and First Amendment litigation. We have extensive experience defending media companies but also represent individuals and companies who have been damaged by false and libelous publications. We are experienced in special motions to strike under anti-SLAPP statutes – using such motions to obtain early adjudications of “Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation” or resisting such motions when representing plaintiffs. Our experience representing plaintiffs and defendants in media and First Amendment cases affords us with a unique perspective in analyzing potential claims and defenses which implicate the First Amendment.
Read about our Media & First Amendment Experience.